Welcome to CatsNrats.org and our unique world of cats and rats! Find great pet links, talk about fancy rats and cats with other fanciers on our Furry Friends Forum, and test your knowledge with Cats ‘n Rats Trivia. We hope you enjoy your visits to Cats ‘n Rats and that you come back to see us often!
Sincerely, ~Elliott and Vianne, the Webmasters
This little chunk of kitty cat and fuzzy rat cyber space is dedicated to two of my all time favorite pets, my cat, Vianne, and my late rat, Elliott, affectionately known as "Bubby".
Friday, January 21
Pic of the Week
These boots are made for walkin'
This week's cute animal pic, "Puss in Boots", was submitted by Mistofolees. Thanks for sharing your cute kitties with us! Keep 'em coming, guys!
If you are interested in having your own cute cat or rat picture posted as the fun pet Pic of the Week, Click here.
Note: Due to the large amount of chaos in my life currently, I will not have time to update this main page on a regular basis. I have changed my settings so that only one blog post will be seen on the main page at a time.
This way you won't be seeing a string of old posts taking up space on here. They are not deleted. You can simply view them in the archives. So if it appears that I have not been around for awhile, I'm still here, just haven't had time
for adding new blogs. I will, however, be trying to keep up with the Furry Friends Forum, so I'll see you in there!
Purrs and Bruxes,
The Cats 'n Rats Mascots
Elliott blessed my life as a tiny one week old pup several years ago. I hand-raised him and we shared a very special bond. He will forever remain, not only one of my favorite rats, but also a favorite pet as well. Read his story in my April 2, 2005 post of his obituary.
Vianne decided to own me back in January of 2004. At the time, I was working in an Animal Control Clinic as a vet assistant. Entering the shelter as a stray and after having already gone through her vet exam, work-up, and being a Pet Pal candidate for adoption, it was determined that
she had been exposed to a URI from her littermate and was being held on observation for signs of illness. During those few days, I absolutely fell in love with this tiny ball of fur that would simply purr and "hug" me as I held her, not try to squirm away like most kittens.
When she began a sneezing fit, she was placed on the euthanasia list. I simply could NOT allow such a sweet heart to be lost that way. I immediately signed up for kitten fostering and she has been a bundle of laughs and a dear friend ever since!
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